Meeting of the NASE Executive Board
Tuesday, April 5, 4:00 PM
over Zoom
The board accepts two reports. Some discussion of dues dispute with the MTA.
The board discusses arrangements for NASE members to attend the MTA annual meeting on May 20 and 21.
The board discusses arrangements for the NASE annual meeting on April 27.
negotiation updates and adjournment
Negotiation teams provide updates and meetings adjourn.
In Attendance:
Andrea Egitto, Cyndie Ouimette, Karen Schiaffo, Sara Churchill-Winsor, Heather Brown, Carl Mead, Kate Fontaine, Sharon Carlson, Paula Rigano-Murray, Erica Lamanna
Note: Remarks attributed to meeting participants are approximations, not quotations.
Andrea calls meeting to order at 4:11.
FIRST TOPIC: reports
No new business.
to accept the secretary’s report as emailed.
Entertained by Andrea.
Moved by Karen
Seconded by Sharon
Treasruer’s report.
Opening balance is 117,000.
MTA took at 35,000 this month, a sudden 7000 spike.
Jason told us that they were going to hold off on that for now and that we could appeal that to the executive committee.
That’s on their side, charging us dues from when our treasurer-work was in a position of flux during the pandemic.
And then we’ve also been getting our rolls up to date. 7000 is not right.
We’ve gained only five members in March.
Otherwise it’s a healthy budget.
NEXT TOPIC: MTA annual meeting
There was a question about whether we’d set up money for food for our annual meeting after April break.
I couldn’t remember if we took out our line item in the budget for meetings.
We did take it out of the budget, but we do have 1600 in the contingency fund. How much mileage and gas have you put in for?
There are also people asking about rooms and food for the MTA annual meeting.
Rooms in the hotel were 269, but they’re closing the reservations on April 11th, and we might not have names for delegates until April 25th.
They don’t care what names you put in. How many rooms are we thinking?
A few doubles should be fine.
I’m planning on attending virtually, and Paula has a room as an MTA delegate. And then we have four people who are attending in Boston besides us.
So that would give us two rooms.
We’re supposed to have twelve delegates. We need to get more people to go.
I was trying to get Karen to go virtually with me. And Sara, would you go?
Yeah, I think I could go.
What’s the day of this?
May 20th.
So two rooms?
With taxes, that’s 600, and then we can spend 1000 on food at our annual meeting?
Do we need 1000 for food? Do they have a menu?
I’ll let you know. I’ll look into coffee and water. And cookies and whatnot. We won’t need finger sandwiches or anything like that. How many people will we need?
I’m hoping at least 150. We’ll see if we can get everyone to come out what with negotiations and elections.
[Andrea catches up the officers who showed up.]
So how should I reserve those rooms? We don’t have a credit card, do we?
No, just the bank account.
[Heather will be reimbursed.]
NEXT TOPIC: NASE Annual Meeting
Andrea sees in the chat that Carl will have to track down the minutes document for NASE annual meeting. It may be a document owned by the previous secretary. Carl will look for that after the meeting.
We’ll have elections at NASE annual meeting. Right now, there are no contested seats.
We have unit B, E, G, H coordinator slots that still need someone to be nominated for those positions.
If we do not have anyone sign up such that we get a contested election, we can just pass the slate of officers in one fell swoop. Otherwise, we’ll need to hold elections.
All the candidates for each office is the person who currently holds that office (except secretary as Carl is leaving the district). For secretary, Helen Woods.
There’s a chance SVAHS will have a tentative agreement, but NPS will likely not.
So we may do some organizing around negotiations if need be.
NEXT TOPIC: negotiations updates
SVAHS negotiation team provides an update.
NPS negotiation team provides an update.
to adjourn.
Entertained by Andrea.
Moved by Sara.
Seconded by Heath.
MOTION APPROVED.Meetings adjourn 5:10.