Annual Meeting of the NASE Membership
Wednesday, April 26, 2023 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
JFK Middle School Cafeteria
APPROVED 4/24/2024
Item I: Call to Order
- Andrea called to order at 4:03pm
- Land Acknowledgment by Paula
- Please sign in and ensure your cell phone and email are current
Item II: Introduce Officers, Delegates and CAT members
- Call for delegate nominations
- Thank you for your hard work this year
Item III: Honor Retirees
- Any retirees thank you for your work and service, we acknowledge your contributions and dedications to our students
Item IV: VOTE – Secretary’s report
- 2022 Annual minutes
- Change the name to Erica LaMan to Erica Lamanna
MOTION: to accept the secretary’s report as amended
Entertained by: Andrea Egitto
Moved by: Sara Simmons
Seconded by: Jennifer Hayden
Motion Approved: unanimously
Item V: VOTE – Proposed Bylaws change
- Due to increased workload, the Executive Committee voted to propose increased stipends for these positions:
Unit A Chapter Coordinator – $5,000 Unit C Chapter Coordinator – $4,000
Communications Chair – $2,500 Membership Coordinator – $2,500
- Concerns that the money is not enough for these positions
- This year a bylaws committee has been developed in order to make sure they are update and fit what we do as NASE → this could include future stipend amendments
- Ryan Parent is proposing a friendly amendment for increased stipends for these positions:
Unit A Chapter Coordinator – $6,000 Unit C Chapter Coordinator – $4,500
Communications Chair – $3,000 Membership Coordinator – $3,000
VP Chair – $6,500
- Sharon Carlson suggests that the bylaws committee meet with the treasurer to determine each officer or chair or coordinator stipends in the next year
- Kira proposes to wait with the current motion we currently have with the language of “up to” then readdress in the future
MOTION: to accept the proposed bylaws change as originally proposed by the Executive Board
Entertained by: Andrea Egitto
Moved by: Ellen Brown
Seconded by: Rachel Nichols
→ proposed a friendly amendment to the proposal
MOTION: to accept the proposed friendly amendment
Entertained by: Andrea Egitto
Moved by: Ellen Brown
Seconded by: Deidre Johnson
Motion Approved: with majority, 33 yes to 25 no with 8 abstensions
MOTION: to accept the proposed bylaws change as proposed with the friendly amendment
Entertained by: Andrea Egitto
Moved by: Ellen Brown
Seconded by: Deidre Johnson
Motion Not Approved: does not pass with ⅔ majority, 28 yes to 25 no with 4 abstensions
MOTION: to accept the proposed bylaws change as originally proposed by the Executive Committee
Entertained by: Andrea Egitto
Moved by: Lisa Lebeau
Seconded by: Kim Bowler
Motion Approved: does pass by ⅔ majority, 54 yes to 1 no with 4 abstensions
Item VI: VOTE – Elections of Slate of officers
- Any nominations from the floor? No nominations from the floor
- Highlighted names are elected for the 2023-2024 school year
VP | Heather Brown | |
PR&R | Sara Churchill | |
Treasurer | Sharon Carlson | Emily Dumais |
Secretary | Vanessa Coates-Cooney |
Item VII: Budget Update and Action
- Bus to Boston on May 16 leaving at 8 am
- Northampton Pride Parade May 6th – Meet at Sheldon Field parking lot at 9:15 am
- Wear NASE shirts
Item VIII: NASE Scholarship Announcement
- Donations
- Physical donation in the can
- Scholarship Committee’s recommendation based on number of applicants to award 6 scholarships with the amount awarded based on need.
- Award scholarships at NHS
- 2 scholarships for $500 each
- 4 scholarships for $250 each
- Award 1 scholarships at SVAHS for $500
- Award scholarships at NHS
MOTION: to accept the scholarship committee as recommended
Entertained by: Andrea Egitto
Moved by: Susanne Strousse
Seconded by: Ellen Brown
Motion Approved: unanimously passes
Item IX: Adjourn
MOTION: to adjourn.
Entertained by: Andrea Egitto
Moved by: Sara Simmons
Seconded by: Erica Caron
Motion Approved: unanimously
Upcoming dates:
End of the Year Social (members only) – Look Park Dow Pavilion – June 15, 3:00 – 7:00
2024 Annual Meeting – April 24, 3:30 – 5:00