Meeting of the NASE Executive Board
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Room 200, Ryan Road Elementary School
APPROVED 4/2/2024
In Attendance: (9 participants)
Andrea Egitto, Vanessa Coates-Cooney, Kim Bowler, Sharon Carlson, Paula Rigano-Murray, Kate Fontaine, Erica Lamanna, Brian Bagdon, Karen Schiaffo
Andrea calls the meeting to order at 4:09 pm.
Item I: Call to Order and New Business
- Heather and Kate are getting feedback on the cease order in Israel & Palestine are ‘threatening’ to pull their membership from NASE
- The listening circles are to discuss pros and cons of this. NASE is not voting on anything as of now. NASE is only giving a platform for a listening circle via Zoom
- Paraeducator PD was insufficient for content/role out and there is no collaboration or discussion in the PD Committee
- Concerns with SE Teachers prep time and SE Stipend with the new IEP rollout with the increase in paperwork, time and collaboration
Item II: Delegates for MTA Annual Meeting and NEA Representative Assembly
- Communicate with Kira Henninger to sign up for the MTA annual meeting
Item III: Secretary’s Report
- Amendment: Add in line to the Unit A Officer Report
MOTION: to accept the Secretary’s Report with amendment
Entertained by: Andrea
Moved by: Kate
Seconded by: Paula
Motion Approved: unanimously
Item IV: Treasurer’s report
- Report for next week
- Auditor books came back and there are no problems reported
Item V: NPS Budget and meeting with superintendent
- Meg has offered to sit down and discuss comparables and the budget
- Potentially meeting with school committee members about the budget around realistic situations if this goes through
- This should also be shared with city council members
- Ask Jason to set up an action network letter to send out
- Pass out flyers to pass out to community/parent members at events
Item VI: Bylaw Committee presentation
- Tabled for next meeting → Cyndie is not in attendance (SVAHS no school today)
Item VII: Officer Reports
Item VIII: Adjourn
MOTION: to adjourn.
Entertained by: Andrea
Moved by: Erica
Seconded by: Paula
Motion Approved: unanimously
Upcoming meeting
March 6, NASE meeting with NPS superintendent
March 12, Executive Committee meeting 4:00 – JFK – Leeds will provide snacks
April 2, Executive Board meeting – 4:00, Ryan Road School
Save the Date – NASE Annual Meeting – Wednesday, April 24, 3:30 refreshments
Officer Reports
Teachers (Unit A)
There are 2 grievances that are pending. Continuing to deal with serious NHS safety issues with large scale organizing, intense determination, and 2 needs improvement plans. MTA have been consulted around teachers impersonated online by students.
Admin (Unit B)
ESPs (Unit C)
1 disciplinary issue. Will be checking in with the PD Committee Unit C members.
SVHS (Unit D)
Clerical: (Unit E)
Custodian (Unit F)
1 disciplinary issue in progress. Over vacation at Leeds with no clerical outside contractor was not able to access the building for maintenance. No monitors in the now open bathrooms in a building.
Cafeteria (Unit G)
There are positions (1 permanent and 1 sub) still open and waiting to be filled.
SVHS (Unit H)
Membership Coordinator
Communications Coordinator
Nothing to report at this moment.
President’s and Vice President’s Report