Non-Financial Counter – January 22, 2025
Multiple Units
NASE Proposal: Paid family medical/parental leave – 8 weeks paid by the district No Response for now – Financial Item
NASE Proposal: Increase number of family sick days
No Response for now – Waiting on specific proposal from NASE
Unit A- teachers
ARTICLE II: Grievance – Section D
NASE Request: Specify procedure if grievance is accepted and then violation occurs again and/or remedies are not met.
Response: We can outline in the CBA what resources exist through the state appeals process and reference appropriate statues, etc. Additionally, we can refer to the DLR grievance policy.
ARTICLE IV: Section B. 8. Hourly Rates
Agreed – For work outside of contractual hours to complete activities of their primary job as requested by an administrator will be paid their per diem rate or the rate listed below, whichever is higher.
ARTICLE IV: Section B. 8. Hourly Rates
NASE Request: For additional work outside the contract hourly rate increase from $35.00 to $50.00
No Response for now – Financial Item
ARTICLE IV: Section B. 9. Mentor Teachers
NASE Proposal: Mentor teachers $500 annually, and will be paid $250 for each additional mentee.
Response: Agreed with additional language.
All mentors must:
○ Complete an annual orientation
○ Take online training within 1 year, refresher every 5 years, provided by the district ○ Attend teacher orientation in August
○ Hold a professional license
ARTICLE IV: Section E. Emergency Closures
Revised NASE Proposal: Delete this section.
No Response for now – Need to review revised proposal
Waiting on NASE – Changes TBA
Wednesday Half Days
NASE Proposals:
Section B.1. Every Wednesday will be a half-day for students.
Section K. Meetings – All faculty meetings, department meetings, grade level meetings, and department chair meetings will be held during half-day for students which will be every Wednesday.
- Six (6) ½-days shall be teacher work days.
- Ten (10) ½-days shall be used for faculty meetings (excluding the February for NHS due to Open House #2).
- Ten (10) ½-days shall be for department chair/grade level meetings.
- Elementary shall hold five (5 ½-days of conferences).
- NHS teachers shall be given time for Letters of Recommendation.
- Remaining days shall be used for collaboration and PD.
Section R. Conferences – Conferences will be held on early release days (Wednesdays). Five Wednesdays from Oct to Dec will be reserved for conference days at the Elementary level.
Response: This decision would require a public process. We should discuss the implications for time-on-learning, scheduling of specials, evening conferences, childcare needs, effects on current NPS sponsored afterschool programs, and AP week. The committee is curious if there is any research about the effects of weekly ½ days on learning outcomes, especially at different levels.
ARTICLE VI A. Sick Leave
NASE Proposal: 1.B. Change language so that an educator that is out the prior school year will not be penalized by losing sick time the following year. Every Unit A member shall begin the year with the full amount of PTO regardless of the prior year’s paid or protected leave status. Response: Agreed in principle, need to work on language, especially in relation to PTO proposal
ARTICLE VI A and D. Sick Leave and Personal Days
NASE Proposal: Change Sick Leave, Personal Time, and Family Sick to Paid Time Off (PTO) No Response for now – NASE gave revised proposal.
ARTICLE VIII: A and B: Employer Paid Family Medical and Parental Leave NASE Proposal: 8 weeks or 40 days paid by the district
No Response for now – Financial Item
ARTICLE X C. Addition of Dept. Chair
NASE Proposal: Add Guidance Coordinator for grades 9-12
No response for now. Future discussion item.
ARTICLE X D. Increase of Stipend
NASE Proposal: Department Chair / Head Teacher / Team Leader all receive the same stipend and increase it
○ FY 26 $3,000; FY 27 $3,100; FY 28 $3,200
No Response for now – Financial Item
ARTICLE XV A. Base Rate Increase
NASE Proposal: 6% COLA each year
No Response for now – Financial Item
ARTICLE XV A. E. Retirement Credit Sick Buyback
NASE Proposals: Change language so that ALL available sick days will be reimbursed at a rate of $75 dollars per day with no maximum payout. Strike language “No pay for 0-79 unused sick days, 80-99 unused sick days paid at $30 per day, 100 unused sick days paid at $55 per day.”
E.1. Sick day retirement credit given with a minimum of 10 years of service. Response: Agreed, if we include a cap of $5500, like is in the City contracts.
ARTICLE XVI: RIF B. and D. Seniority
NASE Proposal: Discuss how seniority is determined.
No response for now. Future discussion item. We would like Chad Dunham (HR) to attend for this discussion.
ARTICLE XXI: Registered Nurses B3: Building Nurse Orienting New Nurse NASE Proposal: Remove the word substitute from “a building nurse assigned to orient any nurse substitute shall receive $50 per day during their initial orientation (up to 3 days).“ Response: Agreed.
ARTICLE XXI: Registered Nurses E. Malpractice
NASE Proposal: Increase amount for malpractice insurance (it is $100/year now but RN insurance has risen to $128/year)
Response: Agreed in principle, need to talk with HR about the best way to implement. We should discuss this at a future session.
ARTICLE XXI: Registered Nurses F. Placement based on general experience NASE Proposal: Change to give up to 10 years general experience as opposed to 5 years for specifically school nurse experience.
Response: Agree in principle, ask NASE for language
ARTICLE XXI: Registered Nurses F. Per Diem
NASE Proposal: Per diem pay for up to 10 days of additional work should be specific and listed as “building nurses” since they have more administrative duties before and after the school year starts. There may be other nurses that are certified but don’t work in the role of building nurse. Response: Agree in principle, ask NASE for language
Appendix A-1 Nurse Pay
NASE Proposal: Registered Nurse Salary Scale: Remove lowest step (#3) & Add 2 additional steps at the same percentage increase
No Response for now – Financial Item
NASE Proposal:
- Members with five (5) or more years of service as a district employee from the date of hire in any NPS position shall receive a longevity payment of Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750) each contract year, in addition to their base salary according to the salary schedule. — IMembers with ten (10) – Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) each contract year, in addition to their base salary according to the salary schedule.
- Members with fifteen (15) Two Thousand five hundred Dollars ($2,500) each contract year, in addition to their base salary according to the salary schedule.
- Members with twenty (20) Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) each contract year, in addition to their base salary according to the salary schedule.
- Members with twenty five (25) Three Thousand five hundred Dollars ($3,500) each contract year, in addition to their base salary according to the salary schedule. No Response for now – Financial Item
NASE Proposals:
- COLA of 6% each year
- Drop Step 3
- Head teacher/Dept Chair/Team Leader should all be on the same pay scale. Aligned to the highest amount, see article 10. D. above.
No Response for now – Financial Item
APPENDIX A-2 Stipend Amounts
Waiting on NASE: Increases to stipends (TBA)
APPENDIX A-2 Clubs Covered
NASE Proposals:
- Possible Renegotiation of compensation for clubs based on time
- Add Stipends for Additional Clubs — Language consistent with Jazz Band MOA Response: Agree in principle, ask NASE for language
APPENDIX A-3 Coaching Salaries
Waiting on NASE: Increases to coaching salaries (TBA)
APPENDIX A-3 Athletics Covered
NASE Proposal: Add Stipends for Additional Athletics Volleyball
Response: Agree in principle, ask NASE for stipend amount
Unit B- Admin
NASE Proposal: Add step 10, drop lowest step (1)
No Response for now – Financial Item
Vacation Buy Back ARTICLE XVI, 16.06
NASE Proposal: Make vacation buyback permanent
- Unit B may buy back up to ten (10) vacation days at 75% of their daily rate as long as they were employed by the district, in any position (not limited to Unit B) during the previous school year.
No Response for now – Financial Item
NASE Proposal: Day after Christmas as a holiday for 12 month staff (December 26th) No Response for now – Financial Item
Advanced Study Salary Adjustments – 15.03, Section C
NASE Proposal: Align our benefits with unit A and add a salary adjustment awarded for completion of a Master’s Degree +60/Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study, and/or an Education Specialist degree
- 2025-2026: A salary adjustment of one thousand three hundred dollars ($1300) will be awarded for completion of a Master’s Degree +30. An additional salary adjustment of one thousand three hundred dollars ($1300) will be awarded for completion of Master’s Degree +60/Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study, and/or an Education Specialist degree. An additional salary adjustment of one thousand three hundred dollars ($1300) will be awarded for completion of a doctoral degree
- 2026-2027: $1400; 2027-2028: $1500
No Response for now – Financial Item
Assuming the responsibilities of your supervisor without compensation
NASE Proposal: Change from 20 consecutive days to 10 – ARTICLE XIV, 14.02 Response: Agreed. And add language to avoid having to do MOAs, when serving in your supervisor’s capacity for long-term leave, resignation, or removal— compensated at the position’s current per diem rate
Longevity ARTICLE XXVII, 27.01
NASE Proposal: Shorten longevity timelines and increase incentives
- After completing 5 years of continuous service: $750
- After completing 10 years of continuous service: $2000
- After completing 15 years of continuous service: $2500
- After completing 20 years of continuous service: $3000
- After completing 25 years of continuous service: $3500
No Response for now – Financial Item
Agreed – List who evaluates the Athletic Director (HS Principal) & Family-Student Engagement & English Learner Education Coordinator (Dir of Student Services)
Classification Level
NASE Proposal: Add Athletic Director to classification level Group A, as the AD is now required to be licensed. Remove Classification level Group B.
Response: Agree in principle, need to talk with HR about the best way to implement. Unit C- Paras
Paras and Therapy Assistants & LPNs
NASE Proposal: Add a paid lunch to unit C members so they can qualify for Federal FMLA No Response for now – Financial Item
LPN Steps
NASE Proposal: Align steps with the Therapy Assistants (will not make less than their current rate)
Response: Agree in principle, need to figure out specific amounts on each step.
Liability Insurance
NASE Proposal: LPNs should be reimbursed for nursing liability insurance ($100 per year similar to RNs)
Response: Agree in principle, need to talk with HR about the best way to implement.
LPN Orientation
NASE Proposal: LPNs should be paid an orientation stipend ($50 per day x 3 days similar to RNs–when they orient new nursing staff)
No Response for now – Financial Item
LPN Tuition Reimbursement
NASE Proposal: LPNs should be offered tuition reimbursement to further their education Response: The School Committee would likely be open to this if we add language to both Unit A & C that requires people to stay in the district for 2 additional years after completion of the education or repay the reimbursement.
Therapy Assistants & LPNs
NASE Proposal: Add language regarding summer pay. $35/hr or their regularly hourly pay, whichever is higher
Response: Agree in principle. Need to work on language.
Therapy Assistant Steps
NASE Proposal: Remove Steps 3 & 4
No Response for now – Financial Item
Paraeducator Roles
NASE Proposal: Creating two distinct roles between gen ed/spec ed paraeducators versus intensive needs paras to include hourly wage differences or stipends.
Response: This distinction is covered by the stipend for RBT & CPI certification.
Paraeducator Orientation
NASE Proposal: Paraeducator orientation prior to start of school for new hires No Response for now. We like the idea and are working on what it would need to look like.
Paraeducator Subbing
NASE Proposal: Delineate language re: subbing
No Response for now. NASE working on a specific request for this item.
NASE Proposal: Section 5.10 – Increase sub pay from $20/$35 to $25/$40 No Response for now – Financial Item
NASE Proposal: Paraeducators assigned to a classroom or as an additional adult in the classroom will be paid to cover the class and the sub hired for the day will cover for the paraeducator.
Response: Cannot agree. Open to discussing other solutions to the situation.
Paraeducator to Teacher Ladder
NASE Proposal: Add ELL on the Para to Teacher Ladder at CES
Response: Agreed, need to work on language to clarify what programs qualify and set a cap for the total amount available per year.
Paraeducator Summer Pay
NASE Proposal: Increase NPS Summer Program pay to $23/hr or employee’s regular hourly rate, whichever is higher.
No Response for now – Financial Item
Personal Days
NASE Proposal: Remove 30 day approval language for personal day before long weekend Response: Cannot agree. Administrators need the time to prepare for absences, especially around long weekends when we are already seeing increased absences.
NASE Proposal: Section 7.01A – Increase longevity pay —
- 5-9 years $200; 10-14 years $700; 15-19 years $1,000; 20-24 years $1,200; 25+ years $1,500
No Response for now – Financial Item
Unit E -Clerical
Clerical Pay & Holidays
NASE Proposals:
- Add two steps at the end of the pay scale. Each new step increased by $2.00. ● Stipend for working alone increased from $30 to $40 (full day) & $15 to $25 (half day) ● Increase bilingual stipend from $1,000 to $1,200
○ Related to SC Proposal: Require a training to qualify for the bilingual stipend. Context from DESE linked here
- Increase longevity payments to match City clerical members as follows: ○ 5-9 years $200 from $75.00
○ 10-14 years $700 from $375
○ 15-19 years $1,000 from $450
○ 20-24 years $1,200 from $525
○ 25 + years $1,500 from $600
- Day after Christmas for 12 month clerical members as a holiday.
No Response for now – Financial Items
Working Remotely
NASE Proposal: During the summer break clerical members that are 12 months will be allowed to work remotely 1 day a week. Any additional days may be approved by the building administration. Requests will not be unreasonably denied.
Response: Cannot agree.
Personal Days
NASE Proposal: Change language for 12 month clerical members so we can take a personal day before/after a holiday
Response: This is currently allowed, with approval by Superintendent and 30 days notice
Union Recognition
NASE Proposal: Add School Registrar and District Data Coordinator to Unit E Recognition clause
Response: Cannot agree. Data Coordinator position needs to be a “confidential” position. Planning to cross-train Registrar with Data Coordinator role. Both positions fill in for Exec Assistant.
Unit F- custodians
Pay & Holidays
NASE Proposals:
- Add two steps to the unit F and drop the bottom two or… After they are stepped out, raise them a grade
- Increase Longevity – TBA
- Working alone incentive $50
- Sick Day Incentive. The following payments will be made for custodians who have used no more than the following sick leave days.
○ 0 days- $500
○ 1 day- $400
○ 2 days- $300
- Day after Christmas for 12 month members as a holiday.
No Response for now – Financial Items
Inclement Weather – ARTICLE XVI
NASE Proposals:
- Adjust 16.1 to match MOA
- New Language: During any snow or weather related closing, the custodian staff shall be expected to report to work for the start of their scheduled shift unless directed otherwise by the Director of Facilities. On Snow days, when school staff have left the building and the employee has completed the necessary work tasks to protect the building and have it prepared for the next business day, he/she may also leave, with the approval of the Director of Facilities, or in the absence of the Director of Facilities the Superintendent of Schools. When custodians are called in on weekends such custodians shall be paid a minimum of four (4) hours.
- 6.3 Emergency Call-Back
○ Duration of on-call time must be defined.
○ Increase to on-call stipend. — Current stipend is $25 per day.
Response: Agree in principle, need to work on language
NASE Proposal: Change one hour additional $25/hr for the hrs of the delay ($25 for 1hr, $50 for 2 hrs) — Current benefit is $17.50/hr
No Response for now – Financial Items
Clothing & Gear
NASE Proposals:
- Article XXVIII – Increase clothing allowance
- District provided foul weather gear
No Response for now – Financial Item
Pool Care
NASE Proposal: The stipend for pool care and maintenance will be $60 per week and will be paid at a daily rate to anyone who covers the maintenance of the pool.
No Response for now – Financial Item
Biohazard Stipend
NASE Proposal: Compensation and/or stipend for excessive cleaning of biohazards is needed, including but not limited to urine, feces, vomit and blood.
No Response for now – Financial Item
Unit G- Cafeteria
Call-Out Time
Agreed – Change employee call-out from 1 hour prior to 6:00 am
NASE Proposals:
- Section C. In both instances, all duties must be performed in the role that align with the job description for that role and individuals eligible for the stipend must have ServSafe Managers Certification. Stipend given only if employee (original staff calls out) –
- When the head cook is required to work without a cook who holds a Manager ServSafe certificate, there will be a daily stipend of $25 per day in addition to the employee’s regular pay.
Response: Agreed with additional language stating that Section C stipend given only if the employee works for the entire shift.
NASE Proposals:
- Sick time incentive change from $100 to $300
- Short Staff Stipend – When a kitchen runs short staffed (less staff than a regularly scheduled day), due to lack of substitute availability, each remaining staff member will receive a $20 stipend for that day as compensation for extra workload of the absent team member. This does not apply when a staff absence is less than 3 hours. ● Increase Longevity
○ 5 years – $300; 10 years – $600; 15 years – $800; 20 years – $1000; 25 years – $1200
- Increase clothing allowance from $150 to $200
- Add step 12 for all
No Response for now – Financial Items
Cook Wages
Agreed – Rework cook wages – they make less than cafe assistant – See NASE Proposal Letter for revised salary scale table.