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Meeting of the NASE Executive Committee
Tuesday, December 13, 4:00
Smith Voc Restaurant
In Attendance: (24 participants)
Andrea Egitto, Vanessa Coates-Cooney, Paula Rigano-Murray, Sharon Carlson, Heather Brown, Kimberly Bowler, Kate Fontaine, Karen Schiaffo, Jennifer Hayden, Mareatha Wallace, Jamie Lawrence, Kira Henninger, Veronica Douglas, Sandy Bombard, Noah Galko, Erica Lamanna, Ryan Parent, Leslie Skantz-Hodgson, Cyndie Ouimette, Deirdre Johnson, Helen Woods, Kevin Schmit, Susan Rees, Ellen Brown
Excused Attendance:
Sara Churchill-Winsor, Erica Caron, Daria Steward
Andrea calls the meeting to order at 4:01 pm.
Item I: Call to Order – Check-in
- Please sign in
Item II: New Business
- **FOR JANUARY MEETING: Could meetings for EC be changed to have separate meetings per building for a few months then a bigger district meeting? Maybe district based? Possibly have NPS EC and SVAHS EC then come together at the EB meeting with possible quarterly NPS and SVAHS EC? Then notes be passed along to be put together.
- Would like to revisit for the policy to deal with non discrimination/hate speech, the language around symbols were taken out as well as language for consequences/accountability
- Large concerns with this happening at JFK
- If someone can go to the next rules and policy committee meeting to start this conversation, conversations with interim superintendent, and school committee
- Clarify arrival time is 7:45 or is it 10 minutes before the start time bell of 8:00?
- Unit A teachers are 7:50 and Unit C Paras are 7:25
Item III: Secretary’s Report
- The 10/2022 EC minutes were approved at the 11/2022 EC meeting
- Majority of the are ok with voting without the minutes in paper copy available
- Amendments to be noted
- Language of line stating “PD seemed to be misorganized” changed to “PD seemed to be disorganized”
MOTION: to accept the secretary’s report as amended
Entertained by: Andrea
Moved by: Heather
Seconded by: Erica
Motion Approved: unanimously
Item IV: Treasurer’s report – budget for FY23
- Amendments to be noted
- SVAHS chapter coordinator changed to 2,000 from 2,500
MOTION: to accept the treasurer’s report as amended
Entertained by: Andrea
Moved by: Sharon
Seconded by: Mareatha
Motion Approved: unanimously
Item V: IXL and other curriculum purchases.
- Interim Superintendent is asking for what buildings need
- Budget Requests – What is needed in your buildings form
- Please fill in requests before we leave for December break
- The Vertical Reading Team have been researching DESE approved programs, which this one isn’t, to disregard is not okay
- No PD or planning time to implement this as well
- Communication about it was horrible and abysmal
Item VI: Membership Coordinator’s report
- Check your emails for a list of new hires and existing staff members that have chosen to not become members
- Dues are now prorated when you join
Item VIII: Contracts
- All NPS contracts are now live and on the website (pdf form), printing 2 per building
- Will be in a big binder with tabs per unit → in the works
- Waiting to sign the SVAHS Unit D contract.
Item IX: Adjourn
MOTION: to adjourn
Entertained by: Andrea
Moved by: Sharon
Seconded by: Helen
Motion Approved: unanimously
Upcoming meetings:
January 3, 4:00 Executive Board Meeting – Ryan Road
January 4, 3:45 Meeting with the Superintendent – Room 107 NHS
January 10, 4:00 Executive Committee Meeting – JFK Community Room
Officer Reports
ESPs (Unit C)
We have been busy working on several potential disciplinary actions at multiple buildings. We will be working on an MOA clarifying language around stipends including pay out dates. After concerns were brought forth about PD, we are with the Collaborative to have 90 minutes of PD and 30 minutes for building para meetings, classroom tasks, etc. on half day PD days. Finally, no Unit A member has volunteered to be the PD Committee co-chair so Mareatha Wallace has been appointed. Thank you for stepping up.
Cafeteria (Unit G)
Nothing to report.
(DEC. 2022) The Chair has been addressing issues within JFK, dealing with, but not limited to, meeting with the admin to address staff concerns, and meeting to discuss potential disciplinary issues with members. The Chair has been meeting with Student Services admin and a member to discuss teacher duties, responsibilities, and their role.
A level 2 grievance was filed with the superintendent due to the non-renewal of a teacher during an extended leave. The meeting was attended by Kate Fontaine, Teacher Chapter Coordinator; Jason Mathis, MTA Field Rep; Layla Taylor, Attorney for the district; and Jannell Pearson-Campbell, Superintendent of Schools for NPS. We are waiting on a response to the hearing from the Superintendent and attorney for the district. The Chair has been answering member questions dealing with the Contract.
The Chair has been addressing concerns at different buildings. There are issues that could have become grievances (but were resolved in the pre-grievance process), issues that were directed elsewhere, or issues that will become grievances (early stages of information sharing at this time). Also, the Chair has assisted in issues that were not grievable.
Membership Coordinator
- 67 new members joined so far this year (21 since October EC meeting)
- 21 new members: 10 Smith Voc, 5 Unit A, 5 Unit C, 1 Unit E
- Unit breakdown:
- Unit A (Teachers +) = 31
- Unit B (Admin) = 1
- Unit C (ESPs/Paras) = 17
- Unit D (SV) = 10
- Unit E (Clerical) = 2
- Unit F (Custodians/Bus Drivers) = 3
- Unit G (Cafeteria) = 3
There are approx. 530 NASE members
(this number changes since there are rolling hires and separations throughout the year)
- Please check in with new staff about joining NASE: check recent email for list
- Encourage existing NPS staff to join NASE: see separate email for that list
- Discuss benefits of NASE membership, hand out brag sheets
- Post brag sheet in break rooms
- Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns
Thank you all for your diligent work welcoming and supporting staff and encouraging all employees to join!
Karen Schiaffo
NASE Membership Coordinator
RKF/RR School Nurse
Communications Coordinator
Latest meeting minutes have been posted as well as all new contracts.
Communication: Please send photos, links to articles on NPS, or information to share to
President’s and Vice President’s Report
This past month we have met with Interim Superintendent about ongoing issues in several buildings, are working on getting Memos of Agreement on some issues to help members,
and have met with other administrators to help uphold the contract. Attended the school committee meeting and forums to meet the candidate for NHS principal.
We have consulted regarding several members who needed assistance of MTA legal services and worked on PD issues.