APPROVED 3/7/2023
Meeting of the NASE Executive Board
Tuesday, February 7, 4:00
Ryan Road School – Room 200
In Attendance: (12 participants)
Andrea Egitto, Karen Schiaffo, Paula Rigano-Murray, Vanessa Coates-Cooney, Tammy Cook, Kim Bowler, Heather Brown, Kate Fontaine, Sharon Carlson, Erica Lamanna, Sara Churchill-Winsor, Cyndie Ouimette,
Andrea calls the meeting to order at 4:03 pm.
Item I: Call to Order – Check-in
Item II: New Business
- Delegates needed for MTA annual meeting in Springfield MGM
- Paula Rigano-Murray, Sharon Carlson, Heather Brown, Sara Churchill-Winsor, Andrea Egitto, Karen Schiaffo
- Usually have 11 slots, if we have more than that who want to go then we need to have an election
- Date moved up to last week of April
- Email from Glenda about once every seven years we have 27 paid Thursdays in the year and we only get 26 pay periods this year, which will affect members → to be shared at the next EC meeting
- This results in 4 weeks without a pay period
- Thursday, August 17th will be 26th pay of 22-23 school year
- Missing the August 31st
- Thursday, September 14th will be the 1st pay of the 23-24 school year
- SVAHS negotiations update
- Unit H is still currently negotiating
- Waiting for Crystal to print and send to Cyndie for signatures
- Contracts are printed and in place at the buildings
- Set up an information mail chain (MailChimp) to members to be more streamlined for upcoming meetings, important items discussed at EC meetings, ect. to personal emails → secretary to oversee and set up
- NASE annual meeting will be the Wednesday after April break – April 26th at 4:00 to be at SVAHS cafeteria
- We will provide snacks
Item III: Secretary’s Report
MOTION: to accept the secretary’s report
Entertained by: Andrea
Moved by: Paula
Seconded by: Kate
Motion Approved: unanimously
Item IV: Treasurer’s report – Present budget as amended – budget for FY23
- Winter Skills conference: reimbursement for expenses
- If needing a new W2 go on to ADP
- Concerns with incorrect W2s are being corrected and sent back out
- Is there a mileage reimbursement form for the conference?
- This will be looked into for price per mile
MOTION: to accept the treasurer’s report
Entertained by: Andrea
Moved by: Paula
Seconded by: Sara
Motion Approved: unanimously
Item V: NPS budget
- Superintendent to share out budget to School Committee coming up
- Shared at ALT meeting with administrators
- Shared out: reduction in force notice needs to be notified on appropriate timelines around Unit A and Unit C
- NASE push will have to be towards city council and city council meetings
Item VI: Smith Voc (SVAHS) budget
- Budget hearing seemed to go well when presented
Item VII: Adjourn
MOTION: to adjourn.
Entertained by: Andrea
Moved by: Kate
Seconded by: Paula
Motion Approved: unanimously
Upcoming meeting
February 14, 4:00 Executive Committee Meeting – JFK Community Room – NHS provides snacks
March 7, 4:00 Executive Board Meeting – Ryan Rd. Room 200
March 14, 4:00 Executive Committee Meeting – JFK Community Room – BSS provides snacks
Officer Reports
President’s and Vice President’s Report
This past month we finalized a few agreements with management and discussed a few pre-grievance items for several different units. We met with both the superintendent and the new NHS principal to further collaboration.
We attended the MTA regional leadership meeting in Jan. doing some brainstorming and networking.
We also attended the initial district budget meeting to continue trying to avert painful cuts.