Meeting of the NASE Executive Board
Tuesday, June 13, 4:00
JFK – Community Room – JFK and JSS brings snacks
APPROVED 9/12/2023
In Attendance: (28 participants)
Vanessa Coates-Cooney, Heather Brown, Erica Caron, Ellen Brown, Erica Lamanna, Helen Woods, Jennifer Hayden, Paula Rigano-Murray, Sandy Bombard, Sara Simmons, Sharon Carlson, Susan Rees, Veronica Douglas, Karen Schiaffo, Mareatha Wallace, Kate Fontaine, Daria Steward, Laila Copperansky, Kira Henninger, Jamie Lawrence, Kevin Schmith, Brian Bagdon, Cyndie Ouimette, Deirdre Johnson, Ryan Parent, Tammy LaChance
Heather calls the meeting to order at 4:02pm.
Item I: Call to Order
- Welcome to new delegates and make introductions
- Tammy LaChance from JFK
- Review delegate vacancies
- 2 at BSS
- 1 at JFK
- 1 at JSS
- 3 at Leeds
- 2 at NHS
- 2 at Ryan Road
- Full at SVAHS
- 1 at Clerical
- 1 at custodial
- Have no cafeteria delegates
Item II: New Business
School Committee passed Resolution on the Thrive A