October 10, 2023 Meeting Minutes of the NASE Executive Committee

Meeting of the NASE Executive Committee

Tuesday, October 10, 2023, 4:00

APPROVED 11/14/2023

JFK Community Room

click here to download

In Attendance: (28 participants)

Vanessa Coates-Cooney, Hana Zayatz, Tammy Cook, Harrison Wallace, Danielle Kowal, Laura St. Pierre, Sara Simmons, Veronica Douglas, Sara Churchill-Winsor, Mareatha Wallace, Jennifer Hayden, Karen Schiaffo, Heather Brown, Andrea Egitto, Kate Fontaine, Kim Bowler, Kevin Schmith, Mark Baldwin, Laila Copperansky, Nick Richert, Leslie Skantz-Hodgson, Cyndie Ouimette, Sharon Carlson, Paula Rigano Murray, Daria Steward, Brian Bagdon, Jeromie Whalen, Jamie Lawrence



Sandy Bombard, Helen Woods, Ellen Brown, Tammy LaChance


Andrea calls the meeting to order at 4:05 pm.


Item I: Call to Order & Check in


Item II: New Business

  • Would like to have a policy or actions around racial discrimination and bullying that is separate/own thing from the current policy
  • Don’t forget to look over and give feedback on the bullying policy that was shared out from the Superintendent
  • Would like to discuss workman’s comp and using sick days when an educator/staff gets hurt or injured on the job
    • This is something on the list for the next negotiations period
  • 2 math teachers, math interventionists, curriculum director and special education coordinator meeting around curriculum 
    • shared that math instruction will move to a scripted curriculum and will happen with ELA in the next year