Meeting of the NASE Executive Board
December 5, 2023
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Room 200, Ryan Road Elementary School
APPROVED 1/2/2024
In Attendance: (12 participants)
Andrea Egitto, Karen Schiaffo, Vanessa Coates-Cooney, Sara Churchill-Winsor, Kim Bowler, Sharon Carlson, Tammy Cook, Cyndie Ouimette, Paula Rigano-Murray, Kate Fontaine, Erica Lamanna, Mike Parks
Andrea calls the meeting to order at 3:58 pm.
Item I: Call to Order and New Business
- NASE NPS is the deduction code on paychecks for dues this school year. NASE to date is for last school year code and NASE NPS to date with the new model of twice a month code
- SVAHS had the President of MTA visit the school 12/4 to learn more about vocational school. Discussed Thrive Act committee does not have any vocational representation. Discussed the Windfall Exemption. Discussed MCAS requirements as well
- By Law Committee would like to report out in January, preview for changes will include making definitions and quorum requirements
- Holding a Unit A and unit C meeting at NHS on Wednesday 12/13 around lack of consequences and accountability with students. Hope to write a letter to the Principal with signatures from members
- Crossing guards membership update: Could be members under (option 1) Unit F, (option 2) Unit C sub-unit with their own coordinator, or (option 3) make a new unit for transportation. Most likely will be members unit Unit F based on communication with Jason
- Update on start times: Will have a google forms sent out around the new start times for schools. Seems to have a large push to go back to original times for transportation needs and finances.
- Members need to show up to school committee meetings. Put your zoom no video screen with your name and NASE. Share this with caregivers to show up!
Item II: Secretary’s Report
MOTION: to accept the Secretary’s Report
Entertained by: Andrea
Moved by: Paula
Seconded by: Erica
Motion Approved: unanimously
Item III: Treasurer’s report
- Budget for FY24
- Some checks did not get deposited/cashed, will see this increase next month report
MOTION: to accept the Treasurer’s Report
Entertained by: Andrea
Moved by: Kate
Seconded by: Tammy
Motion Approved: unanimously
Item IV: NPS Budget
- Budget freeze is coming
- Includes hiring freeze
- The city council is communicating the need for education monies
- The Mayor is not counting on giving more monies as she did ‘bail out’ the 23-24 school year
- Will be making an appointment with Rachel around budgeting for NPS monies
- Meeting with Emily 1.8 million was the budget deficit from last school year and the mayor ‘bailed us out’ with 1.2 million. Not asking the Mayor to keep bailing us out so that we are not being crippled and rebuilding the school choice fund. The Mayor is not planning to do the same bail out as previous for this budget season.
Item V: Adjourn
MOTION: to adjourn.
Entertained by: Andrea
Moved by: Kate
Seconded by: Tammy
Motion Approved: unanimously
Upcoming meetings:
December 6, NASE meeting with NPS superintendent
December 12, Executive Committee meeting 4:00 – JFK Community room
January 2, Executive Board meeting – 4:00, Ryan Road School
January 3, NASE meeting with NPS superintendent
January 9, Executive Committee meeting 4:00- JFK Community Room