December 12, 2023 Meeting of the NASE Executive Committee

Meeting of the NASE Executive Committee

Tuesday, December 12, 2023, 4:00

JFK Community Room

APPROVED 2/13/2024

click here to download


In Attendance: (26 participants)

Vanessa Coates-Cooney, Sharon Carlson, Laura St.Pierre, Ryan Parent, Jamie Lawrence, Kira Henninger, Kim Bowler, Hana Zayatz, Daria Steward, Danielle Kowal, Sara Churchill-Winsor, Veronica Douglas, Harrison Wallace, Karen Schiaffo, Erica Lamanna, Paula Rigano-Murray, Jennifer Hayden, Sara Simmons, Brian Bagdon, Nick Richert, Laila Copperansky, Sandy Bombard, Tammy LaChance, Kate Fontaine, Andrea Egitto, Helen Woods,



Mark Baldwin, 


Andrea calls the meeting to order at 4:01 pm.


Item I: Call to Order – Check in


Item II: New Business

  • None at this time


Item III: Secretary’s Report

  • Title to be changed to “Executive Committee” from “Executive Board”

MOTION: to accept the Secretary’s Report with amendment

Entertained by: Andrea

Moved by: Sharon

Seconded by: Jennifer

Motion Approved: unanimously


Item IV:  Sub-Committees and PAL

  • Volunteers are needed for:


Item V: Treasurer’s report – budget for FY24

MOTION: to accept the Treasurer’s Report 

Entertained by: Andrea

Moved by: Paula

Seconded by: Kim

Motion Approved: unanimously


Item VI: Membership update

  • 60 outstanding members overall
  • 7 new members from last membership update
  • Do have 8 new hires as of now


Item VII: NPS Budget season – Ten minute meetings in each building.

  • The sneak peek was worse than bleak, worse have seen in a very long time
    • Mayor received a raise of 36% ($70,000)
  • FY24 = $37,765,747 total budget and minusing the 1.2 million (was 1 x fund – not continuing to fund this for this year and moving forward) – 36,565,747; anticipated budget of FY25 = $42,897,127
    • Reporting will be needing 4% increase minus $1.2 million from the bailout from last year
      • This is less than what we need! $4.8 million budget gap!
  • Thursday, December 15th at 6:30pm school committee meeting → please show up!!
  • Read the language in your unit for the reduction in force in the contracts!!
  • Show up to school committee meetings!!!
      • Coming in person is more impactful. If you can’t join Zoom! SHOW UP!
      • Each school should sign up to go to a school committee meeting
      • Share out budget cuts are coming, not in writing → “Pay attention to the budget!” and “Watch the budget!” and “Show up to budget meetings!” 
  • Shared from Superintendent Budget Reporting out:
    • Central Office proposed cuts = $135,857
      • Reduce clerk position from 35 hours to 28 hours per week
      • Reduce another clerk from full time to half time (40,000)
      • Transportation $6,400
      • Reduce General Fund support of Cafe $23,000
      • SE clerical hours $9,700
      • Custodian uniforms $3,800
      • Extraordinary maintenance $10,000
      • PD $15,000
      • PD contracts $5,000
    • JFK proposed cuts = about $245,000
      • .5 PTE
      • 2 FTE
      • 1 FTE coach ESSER
      • Tech integration specialist (retiring and now being replaced)
    • Bridge Street proposed cuts = about $197,000
      • 1 para
      • 1 FTE TSS
      • 1 interventionist
      • 1 title 1 reading (.8 instead of 1.0)
    • Jackson Street proposed cuts = about $261,000
      • 3 FTE teachers
      • 1 para
      • Not adding a planned SAC
    • Leeds proposed cuts = about $245,000
      • 2 SE teacher
      • 1 teacher
      • 1 para
      • .5 library para
    • Ryan Road proposed cuts = about $134,00
      • 1 Para
      • .5 para
      • 1 SE teacher
      • Reducing a building sub
    • NHS proposed cuts = about $336,000
      • 3 teachers
      • 1 adjustment counselor

Item VIII: NHS Safety

  • Freshman were not being held accountable in the beginning of the room and now is spreading throughout the entire school
  • 4 shelter in place in the last 3 days as well as cops called
  • No suspensions as of this moment
  • Superintendent has not been in the building
  • A grievance has been written and is being filed as of 12/12/2023 morning on behalf of all of Unit A and Unit C

Item IX: Adjourn

MOTION: to adjourn.

Entertained by: Andrea

Moved by: Sara

Seconded by: Veronica

Motion Approved: unanimously


Upcoming meetings:

January 2, Executive Board meeting – 4:00, Ryan Road School

January 3, NASE meeting with NPS superintendent

January 9, Executive Committee Meeting – 4:00 JFK Community Room – BSS brings snacks

SAVE THE DATE – Wednesday April 24, 2024 – NASE Annual Meeting – 3:30 Snacks, 4:00 Meeting

Membership Coordinator Report for EC Meeting 12/12/23 

  • 538 NASE members for all 8 units
  • 6 New members in November
    • Unit A=1
    • Unit C=2
    • Unit E=1
    • Unit F=2

2 joined from Staff that weren’t already members (NHS & JSS)   Now 60 outstanding

4 out of 15 new hires joined (JSS, NHS & JFK)

Thank you to Executive Committee members for your work welcoming and supporting staff.

Karen Schiaffo

NASE Membership Coordinator 

RKF/RR School Nurse & Building Delegate

