Meeting of the NASE Executive Committee
Tuesday, February 13, 2024, 4:00
APPROVED 3/12/2024
In Attendance: (39 participants)
Vanessa Coates-Cooney, Heather Brown, Paula Rigano, Sara Churchill-Winsor, Sandy Bombard, Ryan Parent, Emily Dumais, Austin Savoie, Xristina Warren, Laura St.Pierre, Jamie Lawrence, Leslie Skantz-Hodgson, Mareatha Wallace, Jennifer Hayden, Mark Baldwin, Cyndie Ouimette, Will Antrim, Raymond Paquette, Tammy Cook, Nass Taskin, Kira Henninger, Ellen Brown, Amelia Arnold, Erica Caron, Jeromie Whalen, Jake Gallant, Helen Woods, Brian Bagdon, Kim Bowler, Laila Copperansky, Daria Steward, Kevin Schmith, Veronica Douglas, Jason Mathes, Sara Simmons, Kate Fontaine, Erica Lamanna, Danielle Kowal, Karen Schiaffo
Andrea Egitto, Sharon Carlson
Heather calls the meeting to order at 4:02 pm.
Item I: Call to Order – Check in
Item II: New Business
- Nass, Amelia, Jake & Raymond: bringing to the table the petition/support the cease order in Israel & Palestine (includes MTA) and to put on the March meeting to have a decision made if supporting
- please look over this petition
- Listening session to be held February 29th
MOTION: To getting educator feedback and meeting on this
Entertained by: Heather
Moved by: Paula
Seconded by: Kate
Motion Approved: majority
- Will COVID sick time be reinstated at any point coming up
- this is not going to happen, it was attempted in the fall and was told no as a decision, can use sick bank if out of sick time
- Back in the fall a survey about start/end times and wondering how the results will be presented to faculty
- Shared out at a School Council meeting which the results show 50/50 on the survey
- Start process the JFK progress notes & report cards twice a year to align with the elementary and high levels (Unit A issue)
- This will be double checked on and bring up to the Superintendent
- JFK is still having racial concerns/issues that are not conducive for students and staff. Want to move that there is a full inclusive policy.
- Can cannabis money be used to help support education in Northampton? It may not be used to support paying for faculty salaries, but can it be paid towards other aspects of education such as building issues
Item III: Secretary’s Report
MOTION: to accept the Secretary’s Report
Entertained by: Heather
Moved by: Veronica
Seconded by: Paula
Motion Approved: unanimously
Item IV:Treasurer’s report – budget for FY24
MOTION: to accept the Treasurer’s Report
Entertained by: Heather
Moved by: Brian
Seconded by: Erica
Motion Approved: unanimously
Item V: Bylaws Committee Presentation and vote to present amendments at the Annual Meeting
- Willing to present and share out at the March EC meeting in order to then present at the annual meeting
MOTION: to table and reviewing in March EC meeting
Entertained by: Heather
Moved by: Kate
Seconded by: Jennifer
Motion Approved: unanimously
Item VI: MTA and NEA delegates for annual meeting and representative assemblies
- MTA Annual meeting in Springfield April 26 & 27
- NEA meeting in Philadelphia July 3-7
- Need a nominating chair → Kira
Item VII: Membership update – Jason
- Best thing to have is 100% or as close to for support around the upcoming budget and negotiating contract
- We need to get an additional 20,000 signatures for the MCAS petitions
- Salary rates for paras has increased from close to the bottom to top 2
Item VIII: NPS Budget season
- School Committee Meeting on 2/15/24
- Who are the action ‘targets’?
- When are the hard dates?
- Ideas:
- Speak at public comments at school committee
- ‘Flood’ the meetings with NASE support
- Remind that it is a Collective Bargaining Contract so it is all of us!
- Target school council since it seems that the school committee is in support of NASE
- Being armed with the facts and share them out to members
- Reactivate the CAT teams
Item IX: Adjourn
MOTION: to adjourn.
Entertained by: Heather
Moved by: Kate
Seconded by: Tammy
Motion Approved: unanimously
Upcoming meetings:
March 5, Executive Board meeting – 4:00, Ryan Road School
March 6, NASE meeting with NPS superintendent
March 12, Executive Committee Meeting – 4:00 JFK – Leeds brings snacks
SAVE THE DATE – Wednesday April 24, 2024 – NASE Annual Meeting – 3:30 Snacks, 4:00 Meeting
Officer Reports
Teachers (Unit A)
There are 2 grievances that are pending. Continuing to deal with serious NHS safety issues with large scale organizing, intense determination, and 2 needs improvement plans. MTA have been consulted around teachers impersonated online by students.
Admin (Unit B)
Nothing to report at this time.
ESPs (Unit C)
Level 2 grievance at NHS for health and safety.
SVHS (Unit D)
Nurse requested to be department head due to having a department and is already included in the contract.
Clerical: (Unit E)
The level 2 grievance is still in the works, but now is at the stage where they are waiting 30 days to move to the next level. Will be reaching out to the superintendent around the issue of clerical members staffing the offices over breaks/vacations.
Custodian (Unit F)
All employees who needed the snow day stipend back pay received payment!
Cafeteria (Unit G)
There is an issue where a member has been moved to cover other buildings is becoming an issue. This will be addressed with NASE Vice-President and President support/collaboration.
SVAHS Admin (Unit H)
Nothing to report.
Membership Coordinator
2 new NASE members since the last EC meeting. new hire list sent out to EC with prorated membership forms.
President and Vice President
Attended Western Mass presidents meeting. We discussed ways we can use our regional solidarity and support each other during negotiations. We also discussed the need for ongoing training in various areas. We requested a training on understanding municipal budgets and state funding. Our Unit A and Unit C chapters coordinators went to a school safety meeting the following day. We filed for MTA attorneys for two “intent to terminate” letters and attended level two grievance hearings. We have been trying to work with the superintendent to advocate for funding from the city to alleviate budget cuts and we tried to get her to reconfigure the Strategic Planning Committee to have more educator and caregiver voices at the table. The committee currently has multiple city officials, multiple administrators, and one teacher. Unit C, E, F, or G members were not invited to participate.