February 6, 2024 Meeting of the NASE Executive Board

Meeting of the NASE Executive Board

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Room 200, Ryan Road Elementary School

APPROVED 3/5/2024

click here to download


In Attendance: (11 participants)

Andrea Egitto, Vanessa Coates-Cooney, Kim Bowler, Sharon Carlson, Tammy Cook, Cyndie Ouimette, Paula Rigano-Murray, Kate Fontaine, Erica Lamanna, Brian Bagdon, Heather Brown


Andrea calls the meeting to order at 4:00 pm.


Item I:  Call to Order and New Business

  • How much money is going to be sent to Newton? → will be going to the EC agenda next week
  • Governor signed that you don’t need a degree for certain state jobs that could potentially affect education like vocational jobs
  • Superintendent Strategic Planning Committee
    • Superintendent asking for a teacher from each level, and NASE member, only has 1 committed currently, no paras currently
    • Currently 19 members = central office, 7 city offices, 2 admin, 1 NHS teacher, 2 parents 
    • Communicating around which NASE officer should join the committee
  • Start time survey results are linked in a school committee agenda → seems to be close to 50-50
  • Some people are going to be talking at the public comment at the next meeting Tuesday and would like NASE to endorse the cease fire and not take sides
  • Crossing guards are bailing on the efforts to join the union
  • The superintendent has not addressed clerical working/staffing during the upcoming break coming up, superintendent wants someone in the office 

Item II:  Secretary’s Report

MOTION: to accept the Secretary’s Report 

Entertained by: Andrea

Moved by: Sharon

Seconded by: Tammy

Motion Approved: unanimously


Item III:  Treasurer’s report – budget for FY24

MOTION: to accept the Treasurer’s Report 

Entertained by: Andrea

Moved by: Paula

Seconded by: Tammy

Motion Approved: unanimously


Item IV:  Bylaw Committee presentation

  • Housekeeping of the document look great
  • The EC needs to discuss stipend payment in 2 payments (½ year and end of year) versus 1 payment (at end of year)


Item V: Officer Reports

Item VI:  Adjourn

MOTION: to adjourn.

Entertained by: Andrea

Moved by: Cyndie

Seconded by: Kim

Motion Approved: unanimously


Upcoming meetings

February 6, Executive Board meeting – 4:00, Ryan Road School

February 7, NASE meeting with NPS superintendent

February 13, Executive Committee meeting 4:00 – Smith Voc. Cafeteria – SVAHS will provide snacks

March 5, Executive Board meeting – 4:00, Ryan Road School

March 6, NASE meeting with NPS superintendent

March 12, Executive Committee meeting 4:00 – JFK – Leeds will provide snacks

Save the DateNASE Annual Meeting – Wednesday, April 24, 3:30 refreshments

Officer Reports


Teachers (Unit A)

There are 2 grievances that are pending. Continuing to deal with serious NHS safety issues with large scale organizing, intense determination. Addressing 2 needs improvement plans in two other buildings and 2 intent to terminate in the district. MTA have been consulted around teachers impersonated online by students. 


Admin (Unit B)

Nothing to report at this time.


ESPs (Unit C)

Level 2 grievance at NHS for health and safety. 


SVHS (Unit D)

Nurse requested to be department head due to having a department and is already included in the contract.


Clerical: (Unit E)

The level 2 grievance is still in the works, but now is at the stage where they are waiting 30 days to move to the next level. Will be reaching out to the superintendent around the issue of clerical members staffing the offices over breaks/vacations.


Custodian (Unit F)

All employees who needed the snow backpack received payment!


Cafeteria (Unit G)

There is an issue where a member has been moved to cover other buildings is becoming an issue. This will be addressed with NASE Vice-President and President support/collaboration.