The Northampton Association of School Employees (NASE) is the professional community that represents 284 Unit A (licensed staff – teachers, guidance and adjustment counselors, BCBAs, nurses, PT, OT, SLPs), 7 Unit B (administrators), 99 Unit C (paraeducators, LPNs, therapy assistants), 17 Unit E (clerical workers), 28 Unit F (custodians and bus drivers), 11 Unit G (cafeteria workers) of the Northampton Public Schools, and Unit D (teachers) and Unit H (administrators) of Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School.
We aspire to maintain and improve the quality of education for all children, to uphold the highest professional standards, and to advance the socio-economic well-being of all educators. We are affiliated with the Massachusetts Teachers Association and the National Educational Association.
Bargaining Platform:
We the Northampton Association of School Employees hope to bargain an agreement that will create the conditions that best serve our students and our schools.
Our students are best served by:
- educators with smaller caseloads and student-educator ratios.
- more educator control over their school day.
- safe and responsive classrooms.
- fewer curricular and instructional mandates.
- less focus on testing.
Our students are best served by:
- equitable, realistic work assignments and autonomous time for staff.
- respect for staff expertise that reflects varied backgrounds, perspectives, and teaching philosophies.
- equitable and robust resources and staffing across the District.
- staff that is organized into a strong union that protects the dignity of the work done by educators.
Our students are best served by staff:
- that have equitable compensation and benefits based on the principle of equal pay for comparable work.
- whose good will is neither taken for granted, nor exploited.
- who have compensation packages that respect their professionalism and the dignity of their work.
- whose pay is fair, competitive, consistent and dependable.
Northampton schools are best served by:
- written, clear, consistent procedures negotiated and agreed to with the union well in advance of implementation of all paperwork tasks, taking existing workload into consideration.
- clearly communicated opportunity to apply for, and be considered for, open positions.
- more opportunity and mechanisms to attract substitutes (day-to-day and long-term) and address other staffing shortfalls in school buildings.
- written communication protocols that respect educators’ insight and expertise.
- limits to the introduction of new operational procedures and requirements without training and pay.
All Units
- CBA duration for July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2028
- Competitive COLA for each Unit – Units A & B 6% each year of the contract. Units C, E, F, & G 8% each year of the contract.
- Paid family medical/parental leave – 8 weeks paid by the district
Proposals by Unit
Unit A
ARTICLE II: Grievance
- Grievance
Specify procedure if grievance is accepted and then violation occurs again and/or remedies are not met.
- 1. Every Wednesday will be a half-day for students.
- 8. Hourly Rates
For work outside of contractual hours to complete activities of their primary job as requested by an administrator will be paid their per diem rate or the rate listed below, whichever is higher.
For additional work outside the contract hourly rate increase from $35.00 to $50.00
- 9. Mentor Teachers
Mentor teachers $500 annually, and will be paid $250 for each additional mentee.
- Emergency Closures
Emergency Closures mean a day has to be made up. During Emergency Closure days, no work will be assigned at the direction of the supervisor.
- Meetings
All faculty meetings, department meetings, grade level meetings, and department chair meetings will be held during half-day for students which will be every Wednesday.
- Six (6) ½-days shall be teacher work days.
- Ten (10) ½-days shall be used for faculty meetings (excluding the February for NHS due to Open House #2).
- Ten (10) ½-days shall be for department chair/grade level meetings.
- Elementary shall hold five (5 ½-days of conferences.
- NHS teachers shall be given time for Letters of Recommendation.
- Remaining days shall be used for collaboration and PD.
- Conferences
Conferences will be held on early release days (Wednesdays). Five Wednesdays from October to December will be reserved for conference days at the Elementary level.
- Flex: Changes TBA
- Sick Leave
- b.Change language so that an educator that is out the prior school year will not be penalized by losing sick time the following year. Every Unit A member shall begin the year with the full amount of PTO regardless of the prior year’s paid or protected leave status.
A and D. Sick Leave and Personal Days
Change Sick Leave, Personal Time, and Family Sick to Paid Time Off (PTO)
A and B: Employer Paid Family Medical and Parental Leave for 8 weeks or 40 days
- Addition of Dept. Chair
Add Guidance Coordinator for grades 9-12
- Increase of Stipend:
Department Chair / Head Teacher / Team Leader
- FY 26 $3,000
- FY 27 $3,100
- FY 28 $3,200
- Base Rate Increase:
- July 1, 2025 6% COLA TBA
- July 1, 2026 6% COLA TBA
- July 1, 2027 6% COLA TBA
- Retirement Credit Sick Buyback
Change language so that ALL available sick days will be reimbursed at a rate of $75 dollars per day with no maximum payout. Strike language “No pay for 0-79 unused sick days, 80-99 unused sick days paid at $30 per day, 100 unused sick days paid at $55 per day.”
E.1. Sick day retirement credit given with a minimum of 10 years of service.
B and D. Seniority – discuss how seniority is determined.
ARTICLE XXI: Registered Nurses
B3: Building Nurse Orienting New Nurse
Change current language in Article XXI B3 to “a building nurse assigned to orient any nurse (remove the word substitute) shall receive $50 per day during their initial orientation (up to 3 days).
- Malpractice
Increase amount for malpractice insurance ( it is $100/year now but RN insurance has risen to $128/year)
- Placement based on general experience
Change to give up to 10 years general experience as opposed to 5 years for specifically school nurse experience.
- Per Diem
Per diem pay for up to 10 days of additional work should be specific and listed as “building nurses” since they have more administrative duties before and after the school year starts. There may be other nurses that are certified but don’t work in the role of building nurse.
Appendix A-1
Registered Nurse Salary Scale: Remove lowest step (#3)
Add 2 additional steps at the same percentage increase
- Members with five (5) or more years of service as a district employee from the date of hire in any NPS position shall receive a longevity payment of Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750) each contract year, in addition to their base salary according to the salary schedule.
- Members with ten (10) – Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) each contract year, in addition to their base salary according to the salary schedule.
- Members with fifteen (15) Two Thousand five hundred Dollars ($2,500) each contract year, in addition to their base salary according to the salary schedule.
- Members with twenty (20) Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) each contract year, in addition to their base salary according to the salary schedule.
- Members with twenty five (25) Three Thousand five hundred Dollars ($3,500) each contract year, in addition to their base salary according to the salary schedule.
- Head teacher/Dept Chair/Team Leader should all be on the same pay scale. Aligned to the highest amount, see article 10. D. above.
Appendix A-1
- Drop Step 3
- COLA of 6% each year TBA
- Increases to stipends (TBA) Possible Renegotiation of compensation for clubs based on time
- Add Stipends for Additional Clubs
- Increases to coaching salaries (TBA)
- Add Stipends for Additional Athletics (TBA)
Unit B
6% COLA each year of the contract
- Add step 10, drop lowest step (1)
- ARTICLE XVI, 16.06 – Make vacation buyback permanent
- Unit B may buy back up to ten (10) vacation days at 75% of their daily rate as long as they were employed by the district, in any position (not limited to Unit B) during the previous school year.
- Day after Christmas as a holiday for 12 month staff (December 26th)
Advanced Study Salary Adjustments – 15.03, Section C
- Align our benefits with unit A and add a salary adjustment awarded for completion of a Master’s Degree +60/Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study, and/or an Education Specialist degree
- 2025-2026: A salary adjustment of one thousand three hundred dollars ($1300) will be awarded for completion of a Master’s Degree +30. An additional salary adjustment of one thousand three hundred dollars ($1300) will be awarded for completion of Master’s Degree +60/Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study, and/or an Education Specialist degree. An additional salary adjustment of one thousand three hundred dollars ($1300) will be awarded for completion of a doctoral degree
- 2026-2027: $1400
- 2027-2028: $1500
Assuming the responsibilities of your supervisor without compensation
- Change from 20 consecutive days to 10 – ARTICLE XIV, 14.02
Unit B: Add Transportation Supervisor to recognition in Scope and anywhere else positions are listed (supervision section)
Longevity Timelines ARTICLE XXVII, 27.01
- Shorten longevity timelines and align with Unit A
- After completing 5 years of continuous service: $750
- After completing 10 years of continuous service: $2000
- After completing 15 years of continuous service: $2500
- After completing 20 years of continuous service: $3000
- After completing 25 years of continuous service: $3500
- Clarify who evaluates Athletic Director & Family-Student Engagement & English Learner EducationCoordinator roles
Classification Level
- Add Athletic Director to classification level Group A as the AD is now required to be licensed. Remove Classification level Group B.
Unit C
8% COLA each year of the contract
Paras and Therapy Assistants & LPNs
- Year 1 Paid Lunch – qualifies members for Federal FMLA
- Align steps with the Therapy Assistants (will not make less than their current rate)
- LPNs should be reimbursed for nursing liability insurance ($100 per year similar to RNs)
- LPNs should be paid an orientation stipend ($50 per day x 3 days similar to RNs–when they orient new nursing staff)
- LPNs should be offered tuition reimbursement to further their education
Therapy Assistants & LPNS
- Add language regarding summer pay. $35/hr or their regularly hourly pay, whichever is higher
- Remove Steps 3 & 4
- Salary and Hours:
- Add two higher steps to the payscale (as the two bottoms are taken away)
- 35 hours per week
- Paid lunch to achieve a 35-hour work week
- Salary vs. hourly pay option (or option to stretch pay out over the year the first year of employment)
- Compensation Enhancements:
- Longevity pay
- Extra pay for additional credentials/certifications (e.g., C through ASHA, AT certification, ADHD certification)
- Professional Development:
- Reimbursement for professional development and licensure fees
- Creating two distinct roles between gen ed/spec ed paraeducators versus intensive needs paras to include hourly wage differences or stipends.
- Paraeducator orientation prior to start of school for new hires
- Delineate language re: subbing
- Increase sub pay from $20/$35 to $25/$40
- Paraeducators assigned to a classroom or as an additional adult in the classroom will be paid to cover the class and the sub hired for the day will cover for the paraeducator. When paras are expected to run the class or teach the materials and then not paid to cover because there is a teacher sub, it is both exploitative and wage theft.
- Add ELL on the Para to Teacher Ladder
- Increase NPS Summer Program pay to $23/hr or employee’s regular hourly rate, whichever is higher.
- Remove 30 day approval language for personal day before long weekend
- Increase the number of family sick days
- Add personal time for part time paras to reflect hours worked. .5 para should get 2 days not 1
- Increase longevity pay
- 5-9 years $200
- 10-14 years $700
- 15-19 years $1,000
- 20-24 years $1,200
- 25 + years $1,500
Unit E (Red is added language)
COLA 8% increase on each step for each year of the contract
Add two steps at the end of the pay scale. Each new step increased by $2.00.
- Stipend for working alone increased from $30 to $40 / $25.00 for a half day instead of $15
7.03 A
Administrative assistants in any school building will receive $25 per half day and $40 per full day when working alone when school is in session.
- Increase bilingual stipend from $1,000 to $1,200
10.02 Bilingual Stipend
A secretary or administrative assistant who is bilingual in a language relevant to the School District as determined and approved by the Superintendent of Schools shall receive an annual stipend of one thousand and two hundred dollars ($1,200.00), prorated for any partial year service. This stipend shall be for day to day oral communication for families and students. It does not cover interpretative meetings over 60 minutes in length.
- Increase longevity payments to match City clerical members as follows:
Part Time (Part time had a different amount. City side gives both part time and full time same stipend amount)
- 5-9 years from $75.00 to $200
- 10-14 years from $375 to $700
- 15-19 years from $450 to $1,000
- 20-24 years from $525 to $1,200
- 25 + years from $600 to $1,500
Full Time
- 5-9 years from $100.00 to $200
- 10-14 years from $500 to $700
- 15-19 years from $600 to $1,000
- 20-24 years from $700 to $1,200
- 25 + years from $800 to $1,500
24.01. Each full-time member of the bargaining unit shall receive longevity compensation as follows:
- Upon completion of five (5) years of continuous service a sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) shall be added to the employee’s pay once a year and once each year thereafter through the ninth (9th) year of continuous service the employee shall receive a longevity payment of $200.00.
- Upon completion of ten (10) years of continuous service a sum of seven hundred dollars ($700.00) shall be added to the employee’s pay once a year and once each year thereafter through the fourteenth (14th) year of continuous service the employee shall receive a longevity payment of $700.00.
- Upon completion of fifteen (15) years of continuous service a sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) shall be added to the employee’s pay once a year and once each year thereafter through the nineteenth (19th) year of continuous service the employee shall receive a longevity payment of $1,000.00.
- Upon completion of twenty (20) years of continuous service a sum of twelve hundred dollars ($1,200.00) shall be added to the employee’s pay once a year and once each year thereafter through the twenty-fourth (24th) year of continuous service the employee shall receive a longevity payment of $1,200.00.
- Upon completion of twenty-five (25) years or more of continuous service a sum of fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500.00) shall be added to the employee’s pay once a year and once each year thereafter the employee shall receive a longevity payment of $1,500.00.
In case a temporary employee becomes a regular employee with no break in service, for purposes of this Article, the date of employment shall be the date of first employment as a temporary employee.
Full-time employees are those who work regularly at least thirty-five (35) hours per week.
Leave without pay (Suspension, leave of absence, and so forth) shall be deducted from creditable service.
24.02 Payment of longevity compensation shall be made on an annual basis and shall be paid on the last payday of the month in which the anniversary date occurs.
24.03 Longevity compensation shall be construed as regular compensation for the purposes of retirement benefits.
24.04 Longevity for part-time employee regularly schedule to work less than 35 hours per week but 20 or more hours per week shall receive longevity according to the following schedule:
5 years – 9 years | $ | 200 | per year |
10 years – 14 years | $ | 700 | per year |
15 years – 19 years | $ | 1,000 | per year |
20 years – 24 years | $ | 1,200 | per year |
25 years+ | $ | 1,500 | per year |
24.05 When a part-time employee becomes a full-time employee, with no break in service, the date of service for the purpose of this Article shall be the date of first employment as a part-time employee
- Add additional wording regarding remote work.
7.10 Work remotely:
Members have the option to work remotely when school is not in session or canceled. During the summer break and school vacation weeks clerical members that are 12 months will be allowed to work remotely 1 day a week. Any additional days may be approved by the building administration. Requests will not be unreasonably denied.
- Change language for 12 month clerical members so we can take a personal day before/after a holiday
11.04 Personal Days
Remove the following wording: Such days will not be granted immediately before or after school vacations or holidays, unless requested in writing to the Superintendent and approved in writing by the Superintendent thirty (30) days in advance.
- Remove working from ARTICLE VII HOURS OF WORK (page 14) section 7.08 Inclement Weather: Remove the following: When school is cancelled because of inclement weather, 52-week employees are expected to report for work. (We have the option to work remotely)
- Increase number of family sick days (Waiting on language from other units)
- Add School Registrar and District Data Coordinator to Unit E Recognition clause (Help from Martin needed)
- Any clerical member performing a task outside of their normal duties (ex. Riding a bus as a monitor) will receive a stipend for each day of $40 (Need advice from Martin)
- $2,000/yearly stipend for clerical members responsible for monitoring Frontline outside of working hours. (1 clerical member per building/school). Including Special Education office (Need help from Martin)
- Day after Christmas for 12 month clerical members as a holiday. (Waiting on language from other units)
Unit F
Competitive Wage Increase – 8% COLA each year of the contract
Increase Longevity – TBA
Working alone incentive $50
New language
During any snow or weather related closing, the custodian staff shall be expected to report to work for the start of their scheduled shift unless directed otherwise by the Director of Facilities. On Snow days, when school staff have left the building and the employee has completed the necessary work tasks to protect the building and have it prepared for the next business day, he/she may also leave, with the approval of the Director of Facilities, or in the absence of the Director of Facilities the Superintendent of Schools. When custodians are called in on weekends such custodians shall be paid a minimum of four (4) hours.
Sick Day incentive
The following payments will be made for custodians who have used no more than the following sick leave days.
- 0 days- $500
- 1 day- $400
- 2 days- $300
Add two steps to the unit F and drop the bottom two
After they are stepped out, raise them a grade
Change one hour additional $25/hrs for the hrs of the delay ($25 for 1hr, $50 for 2 hrs)
Adjust 16.1 to match MOA
6.3 Emergency Call-Back
Duration of on-call time must be defined.
Increase to on-call stipend.
Increase clothing allowance
District provided foul weather gear
The stipend for pool care and maintenance will be $60 per week and will be paid at a daily rate to anyone who covers the maintenance of the pool.
Day after Christmas for 12 month clerical members as a holiday.
Compensation and/or stipend for excessive cleaning of biohazards is needed, including but not limited to urine, feces, vomit and blood.
Unit G
8% COLA each year of the contract
- Paid leave page 16
- Article XIV, Section A, number 6: Sick time incentive change from $100 to $300
- Page 19 C. personal leave
- Article XIV, Section A, number 2: Change employee call-out from 1 hour prior to 6:00 am
- Article XVIII, Pay Schedule, page 21
July 2025 % cola and step TBA
July 2026 % cola and step TBA
July 2027 % cola and step TBA
In both instances, all duties must be performed in the role that align with the job description for that role and individuals eligible for the stipend must have ServSafe Managers Certification
Stipend given only if employee (original staff calls out)
When the head cook is required to work without a cook who holds a Manager ServSafe certificate, there will be a daily stipend of $25 per day in addition to the employee’s regular pay.
When a kitchen runs short staffed (less staff than a regularly scheduled day), due to lack of substitute availability, each remaining staff member will receive a $20 stipend for that day as compensation for extra workload of the absent team member. This does not apply when a staff absence is less than 3 hours.
Page 22 Longevity
5 years – $300.00
10 years – 600
15 years – 800
20 years – 1000
25 years – 1200
G: Increase clothing allowance from $150 to $200.00
Add step 12 for all
Rework cook wages – they make less than cafe assistant
grade 3 grade 4 grade 5
step 1 20.25 step 1 21.10 step 1 23.35
step 2 21.11 21.63 23.95
step 3 21.65 22.17 24.59
step 4 22.19 22.74 25.74
step 5 22.76 23.33 25.91
step 6 23.18 23.93 26.61
step 7 23.52 24.38 27.33
step 8 24.06 24.75 28.07
step 9 24.60 25.31 28.62
step 10 25.14 25.87 29.08
step 11 25.68 26.43 29.76
step 12 26.22 26.99 30.44