March 7, 2023 Meeting Minutes of the NASE Executive Board

APPROVED April 4, 2023

Tuesday,  March 7, 4:00

Click here to download

Ryan Road School – Room 200

In Attendance: (13 participants)

Andrea Egitto, Karen Schiaffo, Paula Rigano-Murray, Vanessa Coates-Cooney, Tammy Cook, Sharon Carlson, Erica Lamanna, Brian Bagdon, Mike Parks, Sara Churchill-Winsor, Kim Bowler, Cyndie Ouimette, Heather Brown,

Andrea calls the meeting to order at 4:03 pm.

Item I: Call to Order – Check-in

Item II: New Business

  • Holly Currier running for ESP at large for MTA, curious about how to better reach and serve the locals of MA
    • Give feedback on ways that MTA neglects western MA, how they can better support western MA, ect.
    • Ideas: pick a more central (not just near Boston) meeting location, communicate stand outs and successes of western MA locals, support around making western MA representation groups, funding, 
  • Fair Share Amendment based on governor’s proposed budget: early care 140 million, higher education 360 million, k-12 education 10 million
    • Andrea will be meeting with Noah Burger around the allocation of money, budgeting and funding for education
  • Ward 7 EB members are meeting with their Ward 7 board member to talk about budgeting and funding → think about doing so if you live in Northampton
  • Scholarship committee → application deadline is March 31st
  • Delegates needed for MTA annual meeting 4/28 and 4/29 in Springfield MGM
    • Due to our increased membership we now have 12 slots → email Kira for nominations on these slots

Item III: Secretary’s Report