Meeting of the NASE Executive Board
Tuesday, September 3, 2024 4:00
Room 200 Ryan Road Elementary School
APPROVED 10/1/2024
In Attendance: (11 participants)
Andrea Egitto, Karen Schiaffo, Vanessa Coates-Cooney, Kim Bowler, Tammy Cook, Paula Rigano-Murray, Kate Fontaine, Erica Lamanna, Brian Bagdon, Heather Brown, Emily Dumais,
Andrea calls the meeting to order at 4:02 pm.
Item I: Call to Order and New Business
- Jason has been promoted and we will have a new field rep.
- The beginning of the year student emergency forms paperwork is 6 pages per student, and printing is problematic
- Questions around sick time for summer services work?
- Questions regarding removing the COVID vaccine requirement?
- Heather & Karen will follow up on this
- Questions around a monthly survey about budget cuts affecting teachers/staff?
- Will think about this further once school is up and running (3-4 weeks)
- Questions around food services being on the Mayor strategic planning list?
- The survey showed that foods were noted
Item II: Secretary’s Report
- Will bring June 2024 and September 2024 EB minutes for approval for October EB meeting
Item III: Treasurer’s report – Discuss format
- Treasurer’s filing cabinet located in Kate Fontaine’s office at NHS
- Discuss formatting for future use
Item IV: Plan for meetings/ negotiations
- Plan a listening tour at each building and gathering information from this
- Last time this occurred in 2021 (hybrid schooling time) was in October
- Chapter coordinators think about chapter meetings in order to reach as many members as possible
- Potential shared google doc for requests/ideas per unit/chapter to share out for negotiations
- Would like to send out a demand to bargain in November
- SVAHS is also in a negotiation year this school year
Item V: Officer Reports
Item VI: Adjourn
MOTION: to adjourn.
Entertained by: Andrea
Moved by: Kate
Seconded by: Tammy
Motion Approved: unanimously
Upcoming meetings
Sept. 10, 4:00 JFK – NASE Executive Committee Meeting
Officer Reports
Teachers (Unit A)
Responding to the nonresponse to the vote of no confidence. Beginning to address PD. concerns around lack of staffing large elementary school class sizes, unfinished schedules at high school, vacant positions with no applicants for, and large classroom sizes. Inequities around classroom sizes.
Admin (Unit B)
Got an extension until September 5th about vacation but back that was not honored by the district. Negotiating MOA for associate principal.
ESPs (Unit C)
COVID vaccine mandates that are affecting paras to be hired. Unhappy communication around the antisemitism PD with police presence.
SVHS (Unit D)
Most vacancies seemed to be filled at this time. Nothing to report at this time.
Clerical: (Unit E)
Been working on equitable hours for clerical members for unpaid lunches.
Custodian (Unit F)
Looking to hire a lead night at JFK and another member to be out for a potential month or so at JFK.
Cafeteria (Unit G)
No open positions at this time. Nothing to report at this time.
SVHS (Unit H)
Nothing to report at this time.
Nothing to report at this time.
Membership Coordinator
Ten processed new members and eight in the process.
Communications Coordinator
Nothing to report at this time.
President’s and Vice President’s Report
Dealing with budget issues, working towards a resolution for the vote of no confidence, meeting with Superintendent and Mayor over the summer, monthly meetings are scheduled with the Superintendent at her office, attending MTA regional President’s meeting on Sept. 12
CAT TEAM – volunteers
John Seamon- Ignalis – JFK
Mareatha Wallace JFK
Erica Caron JFK
Jenny Mae Viets NHS
Jess Lavalle NHS
Sue Sullivan NHS
Michele Bernhard NHS
Jake Gallant (NHS para)
Karen Hidalgo NHS
Ray Paquette – NHS
Beth Monopoli – BSS
Jen Lucine-JSS
Huimin Wan- JSS
Sara Simmons RR
Cori Carey – RR
Lisa LaBeau- RR
Katie Dell’Olio – Leeds
Ty Holter – NHS