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Meeting of the NASE Executive Committee of Delegates
Tuesday, October 11th, 4:00
JFK Community Room
In Attendance: (28 participants)
Tammy Cook, Sharon Carlson, Leslie Skantz-Hodgson, Kira Henninger, John Selfridge, Mark Baldwin, Deirdre Johnson, Susan Rees, Jenninfer Hayden, Erica Caron, Cyndie Ouimette, Kim Bowler, Erica Lamanna, Paula Rigano-Murray, Vanessa Coates-Cooney, Heather Brown, Kevin Schmith, Helen Woods, Laila Copperansky, Noah Galko, Sandy Bombard, Daria Steward, Andrea Egitto, Jeromie Whalen, Veronica Douglas, Karen Schiaffo, Kate Fontaine, Laura St. Pierre
Andrea calls the meeting to order at 4:04pm.
Item I: Call to Order
- Welcome, introductions and attendance
Item II: Delegates Training
- Taylor Brennan (MTA Regional Director) filling in for Jason for MTA
Upcoming Meetings:
October 19, Phonebank – 5:00 – 8:00pm High Brow, Northampton
November 1, Executive Board
November 8, Executive Committee